Written translation
Translation of legal, technical documentation, translation of literary texts and personal correspondence.
Price: from UAH 50 per doc
Term: from 1 day
Why is it worth working with us?
pages and documents have been translated throughout existence of our company
source languages are translated from and into Ukrainian and Russian
translators cooperate with our company as members of regular staff or as outsourced experts
years of experience and high level of service
Wholesale prices are negotiated separately depending on the direction of translation and the volume of orders.
* - It is not a PUBLIC OFFER
Prices are given for 1800 characters with spaces in the final (translated) text.
When translating small / standard documents up to 1800 characters with spaces, the cost is calculated as per one standard page
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We are open to the possibility of cooperation with corporate clients offering long experience of work and being customer-focused.

Written translation of texts

What are your first associations, when you hear the word "translation" – translation of a text? It seems anybody can do a translation with a dictionary. In fact, it is easier said than done. You need not only to translate words in a sentence in the right way, but also to convey the information content of the text as a whole taking into account all the grammatical and stylistic features of both languages. In case of written translation, you work with written sources – the source text and the working text are recorded on paper or electronically. Completing the assigned task, a specialist refers to the source materials, dictionaries, directories helping itself in the working process.

A translator acquaints itself with the text, highlighting the main components for accurate perception of the sense enclosed in the source of information. Then, the main process starts taking into account the material being translated and its further use. The ready text is proofread and edited for complete displaying of the original contents, accurate understanding of the terms and full compliance with the rules and norms of the target language spelling. Any logical or stylistic errors in the source text or semantic vagueness of the original component may be a difficulty for a translator. The completed work is finally checked for typos, grammatical and stylistic errors, compliance with the correct terminology, etc.

There are a lot of kinds and themes in the field of "written translation", for example, a technical text is a highlight. There are legal, medical, literary, financial and other kinds of translations. Each work requires a specialist being a true professional.